Water tests a few years ago show fluoride based chemicals in the water in the area, this isn’t the standard, really bad fluoride in the water, this is an extra dangerous form of fluoride. Fluoride is the most reactive non metal on the planet. This means it has a greater chance of reacting with unknown substances and creating strong and dangerous compounds. These things have been removed from consumer products because of safety concerns but at the same time, they aren’t well studied, isn’t that convenient. Some of it’s closely related compounds are connected to cancer, birth defects, heart disease and weakened immune systems.

To avoid this, spring water is usually best but it needs to be checked for contaminants like fluoride and other heavy metals, most popular brands have reports online. Usually the best option is to find a local spring but..



“Standard” fluoride is controversially added to some water because it was thought to improve dental health at one point in time. Well unfortunately for the owners of this toxic sludge, byproduct from industrial smoke stack waste doesn’t belong in our body, even if it did improve dental health, which it doesn’t.

Here is a 20 minute mini documentary that might cause someone to look at fluoridation a little differently.


I’ve studied fluoride and other halogens for years, I wrote about the only halogen we should have in our body, Iodine, on my website http://www.whyiodine.com. This topic opens a few can of worms like the fact that most bread is bleached with Bromide, a halogen known to cause retardation known as brominism. If we were getting enough iodine in our diet, we might be able to keep some of these other halogens out, but we’re told it’s dangerous and depend on a $3 trillion/yr ‘healthcare’ system. I’ve personally taken 200,000 times the recommended daily amount of Iodine, all it did was knock a bunch of heavy metals loose and send me into a heavy detox for a few days.

The reason I got into this is to show how insanely toxic fluoride is. There is a reason it was pulled from consumer products like ScotchGard. So what’s it doing in our water?

Where did it come from? Why is it here? Is it being taken care of, will it ever go away? Maybe we should start asking these questions?


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Original Story:


Perfluorohexane sulfonate, PFHXS and Perfluorooctanesulfonic acid have been located in Berkeley County water samples.

They are used as surfactants, to make fluoropolymers and as water and stain protective coatings for carpets, paper, textiles and fire fighting foams. They were phased out of consumer products by 3M in 2000 over health concerns.

More Info http://www.ntn.org.au/wp/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/NTN-Perfluoros-in-Australia-June-2016.pdf

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